Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Spelt Bread - From Scratch

YES, it can be done!  You'll like this.

I actually derived this from a wheat bread recipe that a dear friend gave me.  It's incredibly simple, fun, and (of course) deLIcious.  Not to mention it's incredibly healthy, especially for those of you with gluten, egg, and dairy allergies...because NONE of that is in there.  
So without further ado, the recipe.

::Spelt Bread::
9 - 10 cups of fresh-milled spelt flour
3 cups of warm, filtered water
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup raw honey
4 teaspoons yeast
2 teaspoons mineral salt
soft, room-temperature butter

Combine water, oil and honey in mixer, set speed to low.  Slowly add 8 cups of fluffy flour* while increasing mix speed to medium.  Add yeast and salt to dough, mix on high speed for 8 minutes.  Turn off machine and cover with cheesecloth, let rise 45 minutes.  Turn dough onto a floured surface.  Gently fold dough (once) in half and gently press.  Cut into three equal parts and shape into loaves, drop into well buttered bread pans.  Set bread to rise in slightly warmed oven* for 45 minutes.  With loaves still in oven, preheat to 350 degrees and set timer for 27 minutes.  Voila!
*Detailed instructions and photos below.

I use a NutriMill for grinding my grains and it's a very nice machine.  But I've had a WhisperMill before and I almost liked it better.  Less nooks and crannies to clean up. Also, it sounded like E.T.'s spaceship.  Major bonus!
For kneading, we use a DLX mixer....I lu-hu-huuuv it!  Only three detaching parts to it, and super easy to maintain.
First, measure out your grain.  When you're grinding fresh flour, you get roughly 1 1/2 cups of flour from 1 cup of whole grains.
While the spelt is grinding, I usually heat the 3 cups of water in a glass measuring bowl for 2 minutes in the microwave.  Then I pour it into the DLX mixing bowl.

Next I add the olive oil and raw that order!  If you measure out the oil first, then the honey won't stick to the measuring cup.  It just slides right out.  At this point, I turn the mixer on low speed.  Then, prepare for the arduous task of adding the fluffy flour.  "Fluffy flour?  For Pete's sake, what is th..." you may be asking yourself.  Well relax, I'll tell you.

All you do for a cup of "fluffy flour" is set your one cup-er down and sprinkle 'til it's full.  Ta-da!

One cup.  At a time.

When you've got 8 cups of fluff kneading in the machine, measure out your yeast and salt.  I used pink Himalayan salt.  Not really sure of its nutritional value yet...but it's soooo prettyyyy.  8)
About the time you get the salt and yeast thrown in, your dough may look something like this.  If it looks a bit too oozy, that's alright, just add more flour.  Up to one cup extra.  Then let the brew knead for 8 minutes on high speed.

It will look very much like this near the end of the 8 minutes.  Smooooooth.

Then remove the spatula and kneading attachments.  This part always makes me want donuts.  ;)

Cover it up with a cheesecloth and leave it alone for 45 minutes.  No peeking.

And when that timer goes off..........................ohhhhh man.

Use the remaining flour to cover your bread board, cutting board, or counter.

Then, take your loaf pans and BUTTER them to kingdom come!  That's right, I said the "b" word.

Using a spatula, scoop your dough onto the floured surface.

Gently fold and press the lump in half.  This has to be my favorite part of the whole process.  The dough is so soft.  *sigh*  I just wanna cuddle with it like a teddy bear......or stuff my pillow case full of it, right before bed time.  Mmmmh. 

Since I wanted to make 3 loaves, I cut the dough into 3 equal parts.  Logically.

So pretty.  Then pick up each loaf-piece and begin to shape it.

It's basically a gentle rocking motion, side to side, front to back, slowly turning unsightly edges to the bottom.

Then plop it in your well-BUTTERED pan. 

Take a moment to stop and admire your adorable doggy woggy who has been begging during the entire process.

Then proceed with your shaping practice.

POOCHIE!!!....................okay, done now.

And there you have your three beaUtiful spelt loaves!  (Pay no attention to the top one.)

Then place them inside a slightly warmed oven for 45 minutes.  (I set my oven at 150 degrees for about 5 minutes, then turn off the heat just before I put the bread in to rise.)  And when the timer goes off, reset it for 27 minutes, skip merrily over to the oven, and preheat that bad boy to 350 degrees.
And after those 27 minutes are up (including the preheat time) you end up with THESE babies.  The system I've got right now is truly fool proof.  I know that for a fact because I've done it. 
I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and I look forward to hearing how it all goes for you.
This bread is fantastic however you decide to eat it.  My personal favorite treat is simply toasting a slice, slathering it with butter, and drizzling it with raw honey.
That sounds good right about now.

{The Adventurer}


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You might want to do a little research because spelt does in fact contain gluten. A lot of people don't know that. :)

  3. This is now on my NEED TO TRY list! Aha! You are OH SO inspiring! You've got me wanting to join in on your health journey. Especially since you seem to find such YUMMY healthy food! XD
